Finding the right connection for you, is important for both of us.
Reading about the experience of those I’ve worked with may guide you.
Here's a collection of reviews from a handful of past and present clients.

I felt at ease with David from the moment I walked in. In minutes I was telling him things I’d never spoken to anyone about. It was the most freeing experience of my life.
Male client, aged 28.
I’ve suffered with depression for over 20 years and it made my life a misery. Nothing I’d tried before made any real difference and I felt hopeless. My expectations were low. David’s calm, patient approach and his genuine desire to understand have helped me change my life. A year ago I would not have believed it possible to feel the joy and optimism that I do now.
Male client, aged 42.
I’ve always struggled with romantic relationships. None ever lasted, often toxic, even abusive. David helped me to not only recognise the patterns, but to understand how my troubled childhood attachments were affecting my adult relationships too. He has helped me to discover who I am and establish healthy boundaries. I am learning to love myself again with renewed confidence and hope for a healthy, loving and fulfilling relationship.
Female, aged 30.
You are like some kind of Wizard, David! It’s like you read my mind. You know what I’m thinking and feeling even when I don’t say anything. When we met, I know I was very closed off. No one has ever really cared for me or helped me. Your love, care, patience and genuine curiosity have helped me more than you know. OK, you do know lol! You have begun to make me feel whole again. At times it has been so bloody hard, but you have helped me realise that I am enough.
Female, aged 27.